Blue Mahoe FAQ’S

Investing in emerging innovation and underrepresented groups starts with knowledge.

What is Blue Mahoe Capital?

Blue Mahoe Capital Partners Inc. is an impact investment company focused on providing diverse investors access to the emerging economies and markets of the Caribbean region and under-represented founders in the United States. It is a Delaware C Corporation with headquarters in Miami, Florida.

We aim to inspire a generation on how to build and acquire wealth for the long-term while being planet positive.

We operate under the four (4) pillars of public equity, private equity, asset management and philanthropy.

What does Blue Mahoe Capital invest in?

Blue Mahoe Capital currently invests in listed and non-listed equities of companies based in the Caribbean or with exposure to the Caribbean, domiciled in strong, long-term growth industries, run by capable management who are prudent managers of capital. We own a fund management subsidiary which has a wider mandate and invests globally in profitable, existing businesses.

How can I invest in Blue Mahoe Capital?

Blue Mahoe Capital intends to find a solution for retail investors (unaccredited investors) to invest in the company and get exposure to our concentrated portfolio of Caribbean listed and non-listed equities. If you are an Accredited Investor or Institutional Investor then please give us a call.

When can I invest in Blue Mahoe Capital?

Our team cannot promise a date but we hope to have a solution ready before the end of 2021.

Can I open an investment account with Blue Mahoe Capital?

No. Blue Mahoe Capital operates like Berkshire Hathaway and owns a portfolio of great public and private companies. If we were publicly traded, you could buy our shares to get exposure to that portfolio. We do not do SMAs – Separately Managed Accounts.

What does Blue Mahoe mean?

The Blue Mahoe is Jamaica’s National Tree. It grows to be large and far–reaching. It has a beautiful flower and its wood is used to make solid furniture, oftentimes bluish in color.

The tree is extremely attractive with a straight trunk, broad green leaves and hibiscus-like flowers. The attractive flower changes colour as it matures, going from bright yellow to orange red and finally to crimson. It is one of the fastest growing trees but also long-lasting, just like our investments.